
The Democrats last fall took over our National Congress and claimed they would make changes. They would work for the people and solve all the problems that the Republicans dumped on us, the people. Now I haven't been very impressed with anything they have accomplished but I am a skeptic so that is not surprising. I see though that the American people aren't very confident in what they are doing either. <a href="">A recent poll</a> indicates that only 14% of the people have "a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in Congress." The real shocking thing is that this number is lower than the President gets at 25% and those evil big business get at 18%.<br />n<br />nI don't trust Congress at all, but I am surprised that the number for Congress isn't higher. If you read any number of political blogs, on the left of course, on the web you would think the Democrats have led us into a state of Nirvana and all peoples should be bowing and scraping before the wonderful Democratically controlled Congress to solve all of our problems and woes and will spread cash out to all those unfortunate souls left out by the Republicans for all these years. It appears thought hat the average American doesn't buy into this, they still don't trust the crooks.<br />n<br />nIf such unhappiness exists in Congress, why don't the voting public vote the bums out and replace them with somebody they can trust? This is one of my few questions I do know the answer to. Everybody is almost always happy with their Congress Critters, it's just the rest of the country doesn't vote in anybody that they have confidence in. If everybody outside on my district would just vote for somebody good, defined as somebody who votes me money and not everybody else in the country, I would be confident in Congress as a whole. Since those Congressmen are always voting other people money instead of me, I won't have confidence in any of them.<br />n<br />nI find the whole thing interesting, I don't think the whole poll means much, but it is interesting. Blogs on the right will have a field day with this one and it will be fun to watch the vitriol flow. I enjoy watching such arguments. It always makes me laugh and I can always use a good laugh.<br />n<br />n<strong>The most important political office is that of the private citizen. Louis D. Brandeis</strong>



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