Birds Of a Feather

Robert Rapier over at R-Squared Energy Blog has one that is just too good. He takes on Democratic presidential hopeful <a href="">John Edward's call to investigate the oil companies</a>. Why is this necessary? Because teenagers can't afford to fill up their SUV's and Hummers.<br />n<br />nI feel so sorry for them. I'm just crying big crocodile tears. Not enough money to fill up their Hummers. What's next, they might have to give up their designer jeans and only have one big screen TV in their parents mansions. What hardships they are living through.<br />n<br />nI guess Edwards found his core support. Spoiled rich people. Birds of a feather I guess.<br />n<br />n<strong>I am spoiled, it's true. I don't even know how to use that thing in the kitchen with the burners. Cindy Margolis</strong><br />



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