
I see the rest of the cattle tested around Bridger have all <a href="">come up negative for Brucellosis</a>. Cattle producers in Montana keep dodging the bullet here which I am glad to see.<br />n<br />nI would like to point out how flexible the definition of good news can be. <a href="">Karen reports as good news</a>, her cattle tested negative for Brucellosis in this testing around Bridger but since all her two year old heifers were spending some time at the originally infected place, they are considering exposed and all the heifers and their calves will be killed. Real "good news" isn't it? Lose over 30 pairs, get no compensation for them, and have to pay for the Brucellosis testing to boot and call it "good news". Isn't our government and the policies they foster great.<br />n<br />n<strong>The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Benjamin Franklin</strong> <br />n<br />nUPDATE: Karen has set me straight. They are getting paid for testing and are offered a cash payment for the slaughtered cattle which they can accept or not. Whether it is worth the value of the animals is irrelevant. It doesn't change the fact that Karen has a strange definition of "good news." I don't know that I could handle such "good new" as well.



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