
I was visiting with a guy the other day and he made the comment that he had heard they were having to sell mother cows in California due to the drought there. He said he couldn't figure out how the droughts were so much worse nowadays and right away people were having to sell cows.<br />n<br />nI responded by asking a question. Are the droughts so much worse than they used to be or are cattle producers so running to the limits of their grass that any diminution of the grass causes them to not have enough? I remember many years ago people didn't run as many cattle in this area as they do now. They have to run more cattle/acre to pay for the higher prices that everything costs, fuel to vehicles, insurance to clothes. <br />n<br />nSo which is it, are the droughts worse or are cattlemen running more cattle? The guy I was talking to wouldn't commit but it gave him something to think about?<br />n<br />n<strong>I'm not allowing my perspective to be dictated by the dominant culture. Holly Near</strong>



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