I’m Not Alone

I had a <a href="http://nowherethoughts.net/sarpysam/archives/2569-Responding.html">discussion</a> a while ago about ethanol and Distillers Grain and the cattle feeding industry moving north. My basic contention was that the ethanol plants will either find a way to ship the distillers grain to feedlots where they are presently at or the ethanol plants will move to the feedlot areas so they have a market for the distillers grain instead of the feeding industry moving north. I'm not the only one thinking that way (emphasis added).<br />n<br />n<blockquote>However, though Iowa has lots of pigs, distillers' grains work much better as feed for beef and dairy cows. And, according to researchers at Iowa State University, the state's refineries already churn out more than five times as much of the stuff as its small stock of dairy cattle can eat. Most of those refineries, therefore, have to use a great deal of energy drying the distillers' grains so that they can be shipped to Texas and other cattle states in the South.<br />n<br />nFeeding the by-product directly to local animals would cut energy use at the refineries and transport costs for the feed. Iowans and other Midwesterners think this logic will drive a boom in the region's beef and dairy industries. <em>Plenty of investors, however, view it as an excellent reason to start building ethanol refineries in Texas, which has plenty of hungry cattle.</em></blockquote><br />n<br />nI'm not saying there won't be some cattle feeding moving north but I don't see a big movement and I'm not the only one. It's nice to know once in a while that either,<br />n<br />na. I see the world as other people do or,<br />n<br />nb. There are other people in the world just as stupid as this ignorant cowboy.<br />n<br />n<strong>Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Confucius </strong>

