I Don’t Understand People

I mentioned that I hired a guy for the job around here. He was supposed to start work on the 2nd and I have yet to see him. I have tried to call him and get no answer at the number I got a hold of him before. What's the deal here.<br />n<br />nAt this point I have to assume he decided not to take the job after accepting it originally. If this is the case, WOULD IT HAVE BEEN SO HARD TO CALL AND LET A PERSON KNOW THIS IS THE CASE INSTEAD OF LETTING ME HANG WITHOUT KNOWING.<br />n<br />nThe hunt starts again. This really screws me up. What ever happened to common courtesy? Why will I never understand people? Damn the bad luck.<br />n<br />n<strong>A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity. Baltasar Gracian </strong>



