Little Siberia

Mittens wanted to go outside this morning and took one look out the door at the fresh snowfall and decided not to. I told him that there is no door into summer and I don't think there ever will be again.<br />n<br />nI know, defeatist, but that's what it feels like. The snow all ready here won't melt because it's to cold and we keep getting a little more snow almost every day. The damn weather is the weirdest thing in the world. In March you could have convinced me that global warming was rolling right along with our above normal temperatures but now with the cold and snow that just won't go away, it feels like we are in a new ice age, not Global Warming.<br />n<br />nTruthfully, the cattle aren't doing to bad. For all my grousing about scours, I haven't had an outbreak <u>yet</u>. I am seeing something I have never seen before though, a respiratory infection of some kind in the calves. I noticed it yesterday and doctored quite a few of them. I'm sure there will be more today. I am in totally unfamiliar ground here. After I doctored the first couple of them I radioed home to My Darling Wife and had her call the vet to find out how to doctor young calves for a respiratory infection. Hell, I don't even get such things when i wean, shipping fever, so I am totally out of my league here.<br />n<br />nThe vet gave me a course of action and I am trying it out. So far none have died from it but if not nipped in the bud I am sure I could lose a few. One things for sure, it's always different around here and you have to cope and adapt. I'm tired of it though. What would really help all of the problems with the cows and calves is some sunshine and warm temperatures. I'm sure My Darling Wife would say the same thing would make me easier to deal with too.<br />n<br />n(Aside to My Darling Wife)<br />nHon, I know I have been a bear to deal with lately and I apologize. I have been very preoccupied with the weather and its affect on our lives and fortunes. I know it makes me cranky and hard to live with but until some warm weather and sunshine show up I don't think I will be able to break out of the rut. Please bear with me and I again apologize.<br />n(End aside)<br />n<br />nThe National Weather service claims this batch of snow will last most of the day and then starting tomorrow it will turn nice and be in the 60's by the weekend. At this point I don't know if I believe them. I don't think it will ever get warm again but I will withhold judgment until this weekend. All I know is that even if the weather comes that they are predicting, I don't think it will get to 60 degreed. There is just to much snow cover here for it to get that warm. Maybe in Billings it will where there is no snow, but not out here. When I was younger I had the nickname "Little Siberia" for the ranch due to its isolation and weather. I'm thinking of resurrecting the name, it sure seems to apply with this weather.<br />n<br />n<strong>Each thing is of like form from everlasting and comes round again in its cycle. Marcus Aurelius </strong>



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