More Snow

It's been snowing all day yet again. I am really getting tired of this. The sun shone yesterday and reduced the amount of snow but I found that instead of it soaking into the ground the water is being held up in the snow. This just shows that the ground doesn't need any of this moisture for those of you who keep wanting to say, "we needed the moisture." All it's doing is costing me money, heartache, and ulcers.<br />n<br />nI've been doctoring a few baby calves for the scours but not too many so that's good I guess. Have only lost two calves that I know of so far but I have two more so sick that I don't think they are going to make it. I am trying everything I know to try but they don't seem to be turning and getting better. I'm tired of looking at cold, wet, sick calves. I wish it would quit snowing and get nice again.<br />n<br />nI know, this isn't what you would call a positive post but I'm not in a very positive mood right now. About the only positive I can see is that I am positive that it's never going to quit snowing and all the calves are going to die. How's that for positive?<br />n<br />n<strong>I have a negative side toward the world because the world is self destruct. Sun Ra</strong>



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