New Offering

I find it interesting that it is being reported that Dell might be thinking about offering their computers with <a href="">Linux installed instead of Windows</a>. I think this is really a positive move for Dell. Linux is so much more robust and stable than Microsoft products that is only makes sense.<br />n<br />nThis idea came about from suggestions to Dell. The next recommendation? Offer <a href="">Open Office</a> which competes with Microsoft Office and its products. Again, this is a great idea. If you haven't tried Open Office I highly recommend it. The price is right, free, which means you don't have to feed the Microsoft beast to have a Office style suite of programs. <br />n<br />nAs you may have guessed, I am a big fan of high quality free software and Linux and Open Office fit the bill. I use these programs almost exclusively and recommend them.<br />n<br />n<strong>Only the educated are free. Epictetus</strong>

