Swift Horses

I've always been a somewhat supporter of <a href="http://www.r-calfusa.com/">R-Calf</a>. They do some very good things and then they turn around and do other things I don't understand. It is almost like they have a split personality.<br />n<br />nMy understanding of R-Calf was they were going to use their growing influence among producers to become a influence in Washington D.C. to support cattle producers. Yet over and over again they seem to fail to do this and revel in bringing lawsuits against the government over one thing or another. I never could figure out why the insisted on being so litigious. Getting the respectability to sit at the tables with the big boys to support cattle producers is not going to happen by being litigious.<br />n<br />nI now have some answers to this. <a href="http://swifthorses.com/index.html">Swift Horses</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Over the last few months, R-CALF USA has been an organization in turmoil. As members, we have been in limbo, trying to understand what circumstances led to a division within our organization and what the recent change in leadership means for the future of R-CALF. But as we searched for honest answers to our questions, we were confronted with half-truths, rumor, speculation, false accusations and downright lies.<br />n<br />nThis website, Swift Horses, was created to counter the misinformation and provide the truth to the members who have committed their time, money and energy to protecting the future of independent cattle producers. We endeavor to make the facts accessible to you by providing a meticulous and factual timeline of events corroborated by verbatim documents. We will continue to update the timeline as events unfold.<br />n<br />nThe need to establish this site is regrettable, but the grassroots members who make up the core of R-CALF USA deserve access to the most complete and accurate information available. We believe that every member should consider this timeline and the supporting materials carefully as they decide whether or not R-CALF USA is an organization that they can continue to support.</blockquote><br />n<br />nThey also have started a blog, <a href="http://swifthorses.blogspot.com/">Swift Horses</a>.<br />n<br />nI will really be interested to see where this leads. Maybe this information coming out will lead to changes in R-Calf. Information on what is happening in R-Calf will help those producers out there who care where the organization is going take it back. Maybe this will lead in the direction R-calf needs to go. We can only hope. The light of day shining on things is sometimes helpful. Let the light shine.<br />n<br />nHat tip to <a href="http://www.leftinthewest.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=321">Matt Singer</a> for this one.<br />n<br />n<strong>Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you can control people. Tom Clancy</strong>




