I have a theory about life and how to handle things. You can't control what goes on around you, you can only control how you react to it. For some reason this calving season I am having a hard time following this. I am not reacting well at times. I have been getting real upset at the cattle which doesn't help at all when working with them. I don't know if its the stress of the calving season, the worries about the ranch, my daughters boyfriend or my new hired hand or a combination of all these things. I am personally leaning towards the hired hand but I hate to blame him for everything, I might want to but it wouldn't be fair.<br />n<br />nMost of the time I am calm cool and collected around the critters but this year I'm having a hard time with this. I keep flying off the handle. I just realized these things yesterday so now that they are in my vision I can deal with them.<br />n<br />n[To myself]I can only control my reactions to things, don't let them get to you.[/To Myself] It's easy, right? Now that I am aware of the problem it actually is.<br />n<br />n<strong>Is it weird in here, or is it just me? Steven Wright</strong><br />n<br />
Losing My Cool