Rewarding Bad Behavior

I have a little update on the <a href="">Mixed Message</a> I talked about where the school was reinstating a basketball player over the objection of the coach for drinking, which was against the coaches rules. Obviously this happened while I was without Internet so I don't have the story but today's <a href="">Gazette opinion</a> sums it up.<br />n<br />nI have to agree, this sends the wrong message to the children of the state. Get caught drinking, get suspended from the basketball team, have your parents complain about the suspension, and get reinstated and the coach fired. <br />n<br />nWHERE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OUR SCHOOLS HAVE TO TEACH OUR KIDS IN THIS SCENARIO!!!! Yea, teach them to get away with something clearly illegal, but I thought our responsibility was to teach them right from wrong, not if you are good at sports you can get away with anything you like. <br />n<br />nWhat is happening to us as a society that venerates athletes over the law? How sad.<br />n<br />n<strong>I feel bad about my outlook, how I feel about people and society, and that I'll never be part of society the way I should. Mike Tyson </strong>



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