Some Peoples Children

I can't believe <a href="">people who would let animals starve to death</a>. You make the decision to have animals, it's a commitment to take care of them, not ignore them until they die. Of course she claims she fed the horses but experts say they were definitely starved to death and there were no tracks where any body had come and fed them. In Montana with the snow on the ground, this is real easy to tell. <br />n<br />nI know hay is expensive and it's time consuming to feed the animals but that is no excuse. You take care of your responsibilities in this life period, end of story. Maybe we need to lock her up in jail and not feed her so she can see what it feel like. I bet she wouldn't like it. That would be cruel though and I'm not sure that is right. It would give me some sastisfaction, but it would be just as wrong as her starving the horses.<br />n<br />nSome peoples children, can you belive they would do this.<br />n<br />n<strong>I believe in preventing cruelty to all living beings in any form. Morarji Desai</strong>



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