Sleep Better at Night

Residents of Montana can sleep better at night now. State authorities have <a href="">seized illegal gambling equipment</a> in their zeal to protect us from the vice of gambling that they don't approve of. But wait, these devices were not being used for gambling and were just antiques.<br />n<br />nSO WHY IN THE HELL IS IT NECESSARY TO SEIZE THIS STUFF!!!!!! It's not being used and is on display and for sale to other innocent people who like to own antiques. What, are we going to make antiques illegal next?<br />n<br />nThis is just another example of Government gone awry. There is absolutely no common sense being shown here. Just an unthinking urge to harass people in the state. What's next? Since my dining room table can be used for poker they will come seize it? Since the dice in my kids Monopoly game can be used for craps they will come seize the game? My playing cards can be used for poker they will come seize them?<br />n<br />nCome on, a little common sense here. I know, common sense is a commodity to few people in this world have but lets interject a little here. Is that to much to ask? The real crime here is an unthinking, uncaring State abusing its power.<br />n<br />n<strong>Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done. Josh Billings</strong>



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