Good Letter

<a href="" >Letter: Regulations needed for methane industry</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>I am proud to live in a state where there are a few individuals who stand up for what is right in spite of attempted interference from the governor's office.<br />n<br />nThe hay meadows, the most productive part of our ranch, are on Spotted Horse Creek, an ephemeral drainage.<br />n<br />nI am sorry to say that our experiences with the coalbed methane industry have not been happy ones.</blockquote><br />n<br />nYou want to see some of the problems with coal bed methane (CBM), this letter to the editor gives you a first hand glimpse into them. It's a very good letter and those who want unfettered CBM development need to sit up and take notice. What really caught my eye was the losing of the 3 artesian wells. This is what scares me most about CBM. I don't have any artesian wells but I rely almost exclusively on wells to water my cattle. My wells start going dry, how am I going to water my cattle?<br />n<br />nWell water in South Eastern Montana is a vital and scarce commodity. Pumping it out of the ground and dumping it on the ground will deprive us of this very necessary and scarce commodity. Pretty scary if you ask me.<br />n<br />n<strong>Everything is scary if you look at it. So you just got to live. Mary J. Blige</strong>




