Name Calling

<a href="" >Lawmaker apologizes for comments</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Rep. Ed Butcher, R-Winifred, was made to apologize Friday on the House floor after referring to an American Indian lawmaker as "chief" and asking the lawmaker if a committee chairman's gavel wielded by Butcher constituted a "war club."<br />n<br />n"It was meant as a compliment," Butcher said to his "chief" comment in an apology before the 100-member House of Representatives.<br />n<br />nButcher made the comments Thursday afternoon at a meeting of the House Agriculture Committee, which he chairs. He promised fellow lawmakers he would conduct future meetings "in a way that upholds the dignity of the House."<br />n</blockquote><br />n<br />nWhy do people find such name calling necessary? I'll admit at one point I did it here at my blog and was called on it, rethought the situation. and no longer do it. Rep. Ed Butcher has a habit of doing this kind of thing so it's obviously the way he is and he really needs to think about it and try not to do it. Name calling demeans us all and I am glad he apologized.<br />n<br />nThere is a little something I would like to point out though. There are a <a href="">number</a> of <a href="">blogs</a> in <a href="">Montana</a> that refer to the Montana Speaker of the House Rep. Scott Sales, in a derogatory, name calling manner and they think that is fine and dandy while disparaging Ed Butcher for his name calling. I know, they will defend themselves by saying Rep. Ed Butcher's comment is racist and theirs isn't. I will admit that is true but name calling is not necessary. They should be able to get their point across without the use of prejudicial names if the point they are trying to make is strong enough.<br />n<br />nName calling by all is not appropriate and those that disparage this while doing it themselves are hypocrites. Let's all grow up and do the right thing.<br />n<br />n<strong>The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite! Tennessee Williams</strong><br />n<br />nUpdate: I was obviously not clear enough here so let me state it a little more clearly. Ed Butcher's comments are wrong but I extend it and say all name calling is wrong. Don't try to defend it. Name calling is wrong.

