Overturn I-153 Lobbying Prohibition SB 86

Montana Legislature alert. (I'll add this to all post that are very strictly about the Legislature for those not interested.)<br />nWith the Montana Legislature in session I have been paging through the <a href="http://laws.leg.mt.gov/pls/laws07/LAW0217W$BAIV.return_all_bills">bills proposed</a> and a few caught my eye. Here is one.<br />n<br />n<a href="http://data.opi.mt.gov/bills/2007/billhtml/SB0086.htm">SB 86</a><br />n<br />nRepeal restriction on former legislators lobbying<br />n<br />n<blockquote>NEW SECTION. Section 1. Repealer. Section 5-7-310, MCA, is repealed.</blockquote><br />n<br />n<blockquote>5-7-310. Prohibition of lobbying by former government personnel. (1) An individual may not be licensed as a lobbyist and a principal may not directly authorize or permit lobbying by an individual if during the 24 months prior to applying for a license that individual served as a state legislator, elected state official, department director, appointed state official, or member of a certain personal staff, as defined by 2-18-101.<br />n (2) The prohibition in subsection (1) does not apply to an individual who seeks a license to serve as a lobbyist as part of the individual's responsibilities as an employee of state or local government</blockquote><br />n<br />nThis is outrageous. The people of the State of Montana voted to limit lobbying by certain governmental officials for 24 months by an initiative, I-153, and this law aims to repeal it. It does not try to circumvent it or anything, it just does away with it. Whether you agree with I-153 or not, the Legislature trying to overturn the will of the people is wrong. Our representatives at their finest.<br />n<br />nRefereed to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Hearing date is not set.



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