Cattle Troubles

I talked a couple a days ago about the <a href="">winter storm</a> and the livestock that is in trouble with it. A little more information is trickling into the national consciousness about it now.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >Haylift to save snowbound cattle begins</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>National Guard helicopters dropped emergency food bundles and bales of hay for people and livestock trapped by snowdrifts as high as rooftops Tuesday after back-to-back blizzards paralyzed the Plains.<br />n<br />nAt least a dozen deaths were blamed on a weekend storm that knocked out electricity to tens of thousands of people in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma and left herds of cattle without food or water. The blizzard spread a blanket of snow on top of the icy layer left by a storm that hit just before Christmas.<br />n<br />nBecause of rising temperatures, many highways were clear, but many rural roads remained impassable, and National Guardsmen used Humvees and snowmobiles to reach people trapped in their homes and take them to shelters.<br />n<br />nColorado also launched a haylift in hopes of saving thousands of cattle immobilized by drifts as high as 10 feet. In 1997, a similar storm killed 30,000 in the state.</blockquote><br />n<br />nThis states real clearly how bad it can be, 30,000 head dead. My thoughts are with these people.<br />n<br />n<strong>Our best thoughts come from others. Ralph Waldo Emerson</strong>



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