Good Looking

I had a neighbor drive through my place "looking around" the other day. He stopped and visited when he was done and told me "That is one nice looking bunch of two-year olds, I think they are the best I've ever seen." I know, I should have just said thank you or something similarly modest but I couldn't. I said, "I have to agree with you, they are damn fine, I don't know what I did right with that bunch but they are great."<br />n<br />nIt's the truth, I don't know what I did right with this bunch but they are coming along great. The only remaining question about them at this point is how easy they are going to be to calve. The way my two-year olds have been coming along I think they should calve easy but I will have to see to make sure.<br />n<br />nDamn, those two-year olds are looking good.<br />n<br />n<strong>Authentic values are those by which a life can be lived, which can form a people that produces great deeds and thoughts. Allan Bloom </strong>



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