Some People Are Idiots

I can not believe the stupidity of some people. Latest on my list is Todd Shriber. Who is Todd Shriber you may ask. Todd Shriber was, he has since been <a href="">fired for his antics</a>, a press secretary for Rep. Denny Rehberg, Montana's lone Representative. <br />n<br />nIt appears Todd was a little embarrassed by his college grades and <a href="">attempted to hire a hacker</a> to hack into the college computers to up his grade a little. Believe me on this one, you have to read the <a href="">transcripts of his email correspondence</a> with the people he believed to be hackers. It is about the funniest thing I have read in a long time. the part about the pigeons and the squirrels had me literally rolling on the floor and laughing. Todd really had no clue.<br />n<br />nI would be really curious if they can charge Todd with a crime over this. Soliciting somebody to perform a Federal crime seems like it would be a crime to me.<br />n<br />nWhat is equally as funny in this is the number of people who are blaming Rehberg or all Republicans in general for this. One idiot does not a party make and while Rehberg might be responsible for the people he hires, you can't always control what they do. If he had no knowledge that the idiot was doing this, he can't have had any control over it. Hell, he fired the stupid idiot as soon as what he did came to light. Have to give him credit for that.<br />n<br />nThey say it takes all kinds but I really think idiots like Todd aren't necessary. They demean us all. <br />n<br />n<strong>Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them. Walter Kerr</strong>



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