Cowed Out

<a href="" >Are you cowed out?</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Many ranchers, when they hit middle age, reach a point where they can hardly stand to look after cattle another day. I've heard it referred to as being "cowed out." Some friends told me about a ranching couple in Montana who sometimes talked about divorce when they had a fight. They don't anymore, however, because neither is willing to take the cows!<br />n<br />nSuddenly being sick of your job or business is a common symptom among midlife men, prompting some to quit their jobs, sell the ranch or otherwise "kick over the traces." Once in their 60s and looking back, these folks sometimes realize they acted too hastily; all they really needed was some time away — a sabbatical. A few weeks might have done the trick, but a few months would have been better.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI don't think it's a mid-life crisis thing, but at times I just get tired of the whole thing. Looking at cows, worrying about cows, dreaming about cows, just everything about them. Cowed out is about right that's for sure. I'll get over it, I always do but I might drive My Darling Wife insane before I do. Moody is what she calls me when she feels generous when I act this way and the names get worse sometimes and I don't blame her.<br />n<br />nI like their answer though, find someone you trust to take on some of the responsibility. Shit, I don't think their is anybody in the world to trust that wants to work out here. I always get dip shits that either have no initiative or that just want a paycheck for sitting on their lazy damned asses. Trust, that's a two way street that most guys that work around here drive the wrong way on. That tells you how screwed up they are that they manage to drive the wrong way on a two way street. I guess that's talent in it's own way but it's definitely not the kind I can appreciate.<br />n<br />nPart of its more than the cows though, it's the weather too. There is no normal anymore. Dry, dry, dry. That's all it seems to manage anymore. The fret and worry about whether there will be grass for the cows, what to do with the cows, and how to feed them is always on your mind. It's just tiring at times. I think my posts are even starting to show my disgust even. They're the best I can do but I'm disgusted with the whole thing, cows and all.<br />n<br />nPeople always say, "talk about it." Talking has never been my forte. Action is more my thing. Given time my "cowed out" attitude will go away and I will be back to my usual self, that probably isn't an improvement but that's the way it is, like it or not. DEAL!!!<br />n<br />n<strong>Ah, mon cher, for anyone who is alone, without God and without a master, the weight of days is dreadful. Albert Camus </strong>



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