
<a href="" >Japanese restaurants want more U.S. beef</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Japanese restaurants are feeling a serious supply crunch, according to reports from the Associated Press. The restaurants are set to urge the government to ease restriction on U.S. beef imports, officials said Tuesday.<br />n<br />nAlthough Tokyo eased a 2 � year blanket ban on U.S. beef in July, U.S. beef has only trickled into the country because of lingering trade restrictions caused by mad cow fears.</blockquote><br />n<br />nSome interesting rumbles from Japan, that's for sure. It will be curious to see if these rumbles come true.<br />n<br />n<strong>I hate to spread rumours, but what else can one do with them? Amanda Lear</strong>



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