
Well, I finally started to feed the cows some hay earlier this week. With the lack of snow cover the cows were doing okay on the grass available but I penciled out, yes in this day of computers, PDAs, and calculators I still am more comfortable with a pencil and paper, what my hay supply looked like and I see that I will have plenty of hay to make it through the winter. So I will take a little better care of the cows and not graze the grass so short and feed hay. I don't know that the hired hand is too thrilled with the prospect but that is what he hired on for.<br />n<br />nIt gets a little monotonous around here when we are feeding hay to everything. It's a grind every day of the same thing without much a change in routine. I wouldn't give it up though, it my be a grind but it's my grind and I like it.<br />n<br />n<strong>All the lessons of history in four sentences: Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. The bee fertilizes the flower it robs. When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. Charles A. Beard </strong>



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