Cold Weather Report

I guess I lived through the cold weather, if I'm writing this I am alive. It was down to -20 the other morning and we have had quite a few cold mornings. It's always such a fight when it's cold. Between cold engines not wanting to start, frozen water and cows thinking they are starving to death it gets real old.<br />n<br />nThe worst thing though is getting dressed for such weather. All the extra clothes such as long johns, coveralls, extra socks and extra coats, a person ends up wearing an extra 20 pounds worth of clothes that they have to pack around with them while working. Oh, I hate it. I only wear all my layers if it is really cold since I hate them so. I know some guys that wear coveralls all winter long. How they manage that is beyond me.<br />n<br />nThe only critter that didn't mind the cold weather was Lucky. It never even slowed the stupid dog down. He ran and played and thought it was great fun. Go figure.<br />n<br />nI always have to laugh at those people that think the life of a rancher is romantic somehow. Let me get them out here in -20 below weather or colder, work all day long, and they can see how "romantic" it is. People get the craziest idea of romantic, don't they?<br />n<br />n<strong>I'd like to put to rest some misconceptions full stop. The greatest misconception of this week is that I've had the most hellish time in my life. George Michael</strong><br />n<br />



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