The Push Is On

<a href="" >NPPC firmly behind mandatory animal ID</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Incoming House Ag Committee Chairman Collin Peterson told farm broadcasters at their national convention again on Friday he backs mandatory national animal identification, because <acronym title="United States Department of Agriculture, Bought and Paid for by The Big Meat Packers">USDA</acronym> is "screwing up" in implementing a voluntary system. Just two days earlier, U.S. Ag Secretary Mike Johanns said he thought mandatory national animal ID would result in "open revolt" among cattle producers.<br />n<br />nBut that clearly wouldn't be the case among pork producers. National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) President Joy Philippi told Brownfield Thursday the pork industry has always thought mandatory animal ID is the best approach, and still does.</blockquote><br />n<br />nThe Large pork producers are ready to sacrifice themselves on the alter of big government. I feel sorry for them. Benjamin Franklin said "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." The Pork Producers fall into this saying and they will be the big losers in the end.<br />n<br />nThen there is the cattle producers. Johanns says there will "open revolt" if mandatory <acronym title="National Animal Identification System">NAIS</acronym> is foisted on them. Hey, Johanns has finally got the hint, cattle producers don't want this.<br />n<br />nThe problem is Collin Peterson. He wants Mandatory <acronym title="National Animal Identification System">NAIS</acronym> at all costs. With him being chairman on the House Ag Committee we that are fighting <acronym title="National Animal Identification System">NAIS</acronym> are going to have to double our efforts to stop this from happening. Write, call your congressmen. Let them know our opposition to this program. working together, hopefully we can stop this even if the pork industry wants it. They will thank us in the long run when we stop it.<br />n<br />nAn ear tag never stopped a disease, but it sure fooled the pork producers into thinking it can.



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