I’m Old

<a href="http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2006/11/19/news/state/35-tattoo.txt" >Once-taboo, tattoos now fit in</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>It's no surprise to find a tattoo on a Gypsy Joker motorcycle gang member, a grungy rock star, or a wayward sailor stumbling back on board his ship after some much-needed R and R in Bangkok.<br />n<br />nBut a tattoo on an accountant? An attorney? A college co-ed? You bet.<br />n<br />nFolks with so-called "square" jobs are hiding a naughty little secret under that freshly pressed business suit.<br />n<br />nTattoo artists in the Butte area say they are seeing more professionals and "regular" people getting inked.<br />nJason Green, tattoo artist and owner of Body Grafix, welcomes the extra business.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI'm showing my age again but I can't see this. I have never seen the idea of a tattoo as a good thing and don't completely understand the draw of it.<br />n<br />nPart of this might come from some words of wisdom I remember my Grandma giving me before I went off to the Navy. She pulled me aside, looked me square in the eyes and said, "Your body is a temple, I don't want to see any drawings on it when you come home. I will get you if I do." I had no plans on getting a tattoo while I was in the Navy, and never did while I was in, but the words stuck with me.<br />n<br />nIn the long run I am probably going to have to get used to the idea though. My oldest daughter thinks they are cool and plans on one day getting a tattoo. I've told her my thoughts on the issue and informed her that until she i has moved out of the house, it isn't going to happen. She has taken this stricture with good graces but I am betting as soon as she leaves the home she will be getting a tattoo, along with a tongue piercing. Why people want to do this to their body is beyond me. I see nothing "cool" or "neat" about it. All I see is a waste of perfectly good looking flesh.<br />n<br />n<strong>Giving birth was easier than having a tattoo. Nicole Appleton</strong>



