
I came across a story yesterday that caught my eye. It mentioned that the "Word of the Year" for the The New Oxford American Dictionary is Carbon Neutral. Not very exciting if you ask me and didn't excite me very much. I went to the <a href="http://blog.oup.com/oupblog/2006/11/what_do_al_gore.html">story about it</a> and again was not excited but it did list some runner-up words and one of them really caught my attention.<br />n<br />nfunner (an informal/nonstandard comparative of fun.)<br />n<br />nI have been beating my head against a wall for years now trying to get my kids not to use this word since it is not a proper word, and here I find out it almost made word of the year. I am not any great shakes when it comes to the English/American language but funner? Give me a break.<br />n<br />n<strong>Words will not fail when the matter is well considered. Horace</strong>




