Election Thoughts

There seems to be a lot of celebration out there that the Democrats have taken control of the House and Senate. The going consensus I read is that this is going to turn the country around and great things are going to happen. I hate to rain on the parade, but I don't think so. The way I see it all we are going to have is deadlock. The Democrats might control the House and they might have a majority in the Senate but the Republicans have the filibuster power in the Senate and control the Presidency, at least for two more years. Therefore there is not going to be any big turnaround, just a big deadlock. So I will join the celebration. It will do the country good for the executive and congressional wings of our government to be feuding with each other and nothing to get accomplished. It will be interesting to see which party the voting public blames in two years for the deadlock, Republicans or Democrats.<br />n<br />nThe other thing I note about the election is that here in Montana the Democrats are ecstatic over Jon Tester's win over Conrad Burns. They deserve their party for this since they worked hard and managed to pull it out barely in the end. What I do note is that in the process of winning the national Senate seat, they lost the state House and reduced their majority in the state Senate to a dead tie. So they lost some momentum in the state, to take the national seat. Does this mean Montana has turned to a Blue state like everybody is saying or are we just showing our independent streak yet again by voting a Democrat in nationally while turning the state congress over to the Republicans? Guess what, we also now will have deadlock in the state government and not much will get accomplished.<br />n<br />nThe next two years should be really fun with both parties pointing at the other one saying it's their fault nothing is getting accomplished. I wonder how long before the blame game starts? I can't wait, it's going to be fun.<br />n<br />n<strong>political deadlock is no excuse for violent hooliganism. Diane Watson</strong>



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