Not Enough Time is Criminal

I found the following headline interesting and had to read the article.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >Couples go on 'procreation vacations'</a><br />n<br />nI started reading and was getting quite the chuckle out of the article.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>When Lucinda Hughes heard she would have to drink sea moss elixir while vacationing in the Bahamas, she was certain it would make her sick. Sure enough, three months later, Hughes is very sick — every morning — and expecting her first baby in April. She got pregnant after she and her husband went on a three-day Procreation Vacation at a resort on Grand Bahama Island.<br />n<br />nIt's part of a trend in which hotels around the world are luring couples who are trying to have a baby. Resorts are offering on-site sex doctors, romantic advice and exotic food and drink calculated to put lovers in the mood and hasten the pitter-patter of little feet.</blockquote><br />n<br />nThat is, I was chuckling until I got to this.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>The couple had been trying for only two months, since their wedding in May. But like most couples they have hectic schedules in Washington, where she is a freelance writer and he is a city employee. Cell phones are always ringing, day planners are jammed. "We're all overscheduled," Hughes said.</blockquote><br />n<br />nIf they are so "overscheduled" that they can't conceive a baby, how in the hell do they think they are going to raise one? Hand it off to a nanny? Children are not some kind of toy for hectic people to play with. They are a real live human being who heeds parents to love and care for them and be with them, not be so "overscheduled" that they forget about them.<br />n<br />nPeople need to think ahead to the responsibility that comes with having a child. Passing that responsibility off to day care or a nanny is not how a child feels loved for or cared for. That just sends a clear signal that their parents are foisting them off and are to busy for them. What a wonderful amount of love that shows.<br />n<br />nMaybe if you are to busy to conceive a child, you would be better off without one. Sure enough, the child is not going to benefit when you are to busy for it. That is usually called abuse.<br />n<br />nPeople need to think a little further ahead than the moment. Decisions such as this affect a child for a lifetime. People talk about marriage being a lifetime commitment. Nowadays with divorce it isn't though, the real lifetime commitment is to the kids that might come from marriage. You can't, with a clear conscience, just abandon them like you do a marriage. The kids will suffer their whole lives for that, just like they will suffer for being ignored by parents that are "overscheduled."<br />n<br />nDamn this makes me mad, sorry if I haven't made much sense, it just upsets me too much.<br />n<br />n<strong>Child abuse and neglect offend the basic values of our state. Matt Blunt</strong>

