The Answer is Drugs

<a href="" >Study: Some preschoolers can use Ritalin</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>The first long-term government study of preschoolers who take<br />nRitalin, the popular attention deficit disorder drug, warns of side effects but also found benefits in children with severe problems.<br />n<br />nThe drug isn't approved for use in children under age 6, and the researchers said those youngsters need close monitoring. Preschoolers are more likely than older children to develop side effects, experts said.</blockquote><br />n<br />nThat's it, lets just drug our kids into insensitivity then wonder why later in life they turn to illegal drugs for the same effect. There might be a very rare child that needs this but the large majority don't and by perscribing these drugs to our children we are only damaging ourselves and society.<br />n<br />nControl the population through chemical use. What a way to live, if you want to call it living, walking around in a stupor because your parets don't want to deal with you. Gives you lots of warm fuzzy feelings.<br />n<br />n<strong>The secret to true happiness is a combination of low expectations and insensitivity. Olivia Goldsmith</strong>




