
<a href="" >Feds net 125 nationwide in kid-porn case</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A Bible camp counselor and a Boy Scout leader were among 125 people arrested nationwide in an Internet child pornography case in which subscribers purchased photos and videos of children engaged in sex acts with adults, federal authorities said Wednesday.<br />n<br />nThe case originated in New Jersey, but quickly spread to 22 states. The defendants were charged with either possession or receipt of child pornography. Additional arrests are expected.<br />n<br />nProsecutors said the Web site alerted subscribers that its content was illegal and urged them to be discreet about their purchases.<br />n<br />n"When I say `hard-core' pornography, I am talking about child pornography that includes images of children as young as six months involved in bondage and sodomy," U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie said. "This type of depraved conduct is something a civilized society cannot tolerate."</blockquote><br />n<br />nThere are people out there that tell me man is a sexual animal so all things sexual in relation to man are normal and good.<br />n<br />nBULLSHIT!!<br />n<br />nWhen you are talking consenting adults I will maybe give you a by on this but when children are involved, no. There is nothing natural or normal about it. IT IS WRONG!<br />n<br />nPeople that are interested in such child porn are sick individuals and are a danger to society. Nobody can ever convince me otherwise.<br />n<br />nOn a separate note about the story, why does the reporter of the story find it necessary to bring up the professions of two of the accused, Bible camp counselor and Boy Scout leader, and not the professions of the other 123 persons accused of this? What separate out these two over the others? Are they the only ones in the group that have access to children? I doubt it. I think the reporter is showing a very large bias against these two professions by making sure they are mentioned and tainting all of them with this news. Why does the media, and reporters, find this necessary?<br />n<br />nThe news on this sting is depressing enough in and of itself but the spin put on it by the media makes it doubly worse. What a sad statement on our society.<br />n<br />n<strong>From one learn all. Virgil</strong>



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