Human Nature?

A lot of people out there indicate Americans are evil since we pollute the planet and drive big SUV's. So, are Americans inherently evil for driving large SUV's or is it just a side benefit of gas prices being low for so long? When gas prices went up last year <a href="">SUV salse plummeted</a> and now that gas prices are dropping off the auto industry is hoping <a href="">SUV sales will increase</a>. With these thoughts in mind I read this article.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >With cheap gas, Venezuelans buy big SUVs</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>The car show is filled with men who gravitate to the sport utility vehicles, peering through their windows and slipping into their leather seats.<br />n<br />nMany say they're looking for a powerful engine, but no one asks about gas mileage. In oil-rich Venezuela, gasoline costs as little as 12 cents a gallon due to government subsidies — and SUVs are selling briskly.<br />n<br />n"Everyone wants to buy a 4×4," said Jose Moreno, a 49-year-old businessman examining Fords at the show on Saturday. "And since gasoline is cheap, you don't think twice about spending on that."<br />n<br />nVenezuelans see cheap fuel as a birthright. Filling up an SUV's tank with high-octane gasoline costs roughly $3 — less than two jugs of drinking water.</blockquote><br />n<br />nIt looks like the evil, rich Americans aren't the only ones who want to drive big SUV's. The poor, Socialists in Venezuela want the same thing. I guess Americans aren't inherently evil, it's just basic human greed that is inherent in all of us.<br />n<br />n<strong>Shakespeare reveals human nature brilliantly: he shines a light on our instinctive desire to dominate each other. Edward Hall</strong>




