The Great Polluter

I always find it interesting that us Americans are all evil when it comes to pollution and the rest of the world is all good. With that thought in mind I present this.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >Brain damage likely for 4 Chinese kids</a><br />n<br />nThe amazing thing about this story, it didn't happen in the US.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>At least four children among the hundreds of people sickened by emissions from a lead smelter in western China are likely to suffer permanent brain damage, state media said Friday.<br />n<br />nA top Chinese environmental official said the factory was emitting 800 times the acceptable levels and accused local authorities of failing to do anything.<br />n<br />nSome 250 children were still in hospital weeks after the mass poisoning case was uncovered in Hui county in Gansu province, the official Xinhua News Agency said. Four are reported to have more than 450 milligrams of lead per liter of blood – a level that constitutes severe poisoning and that usually results in brain damage, Xinhua said.</blockquote><br />n<br />nChina is really starting to run into problems with pollution and the environment. You never hear much about it though because the Chinese Government hides the facts and everybody has their eyes on the US and how evil we are. Well, it happens and we all need to be aware of the problem with China and pollution.<br />n<br />nI'm just waiting to hear it though, the evil US is responsible for this. If we didn't demand commercial goods than China wouldn't manufacture them for us and pollute the environment. So it's still the evil Americans at fault. Doesn't the Chinese government have some responsibility for a clean environment for its citizens? Yes it does and it's failing, but blame the Americans, it's easier.<br />n<br />n<strong>We need to signal to the world that we are prepared to shoulder our fair share. And we need to put action behind our words by accepting responsible pollution limits and engaging the developing world. John F. Kerry<br />n</strong>



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