Rain Showers

<a href="http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2006/09/16/news/local/40-rain.txt" >City sees 1st rain in a month</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Billings on Friday received its first substantial rainfall in more than a month, officials said.<br />n<br />nBy 10 a.m., about .23 inches of rain had fallen on the city from a system that first rolled overhead about 9 p.m. Thursday, said National Weather Service meteorologist Scott Carpenter. The last time the city received a "wetting rain" – .10 inches or more – was Aug. 12, he said.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI received about the same amount Friday morning myself. The only difference is instead of a month it's been closer to 3 months since we've seen a wetting rain down here. It sure was nice. The bad thing was it was so dry by noon we were kicking up dust again. It didn't go very far.<br />n<br />nI hear it raining a little out this morning now and the forecast is for a good chance of rain all day. I've been watching this system for days hoping to get at least an inch of rain out of it. Now that it's here and watching the radar and reading the forecast I feel we are going to be lucky to get a half an inch of rain out of the system. The system is just not falling right to get much moisture in this area. Damn the bad luck. I was hoping for a rain storm, not rain showers but take what you can get, it's better than a kick in the ass.<br />n<br />nWill it do me any good is the real question? An inch might have helped next years grass crop get started this fall but I don't know that a half an inch will be enough to get it going. It's late enough in the year that I don't know if any amount will give me any fall grazing growth. It would take an extraordinary set of conditions this late to see that and would definitely take more moisture than is being offered by these showers.<br />n<br />nA nice rain storm would really help my spirits. These showers are just depressing though, why can't I get any more? I guess the Gods just aren't looking favorable on me.<br />n<br />n<strong>Despair is the conclusion of fools. Benjamin Disraeli</strong>



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