Lost and Found

The other day when I was preg checking heifers I knew I was missing one Yearling but wasn't too worried about it. I assumed the neighbor to my north that had the last two I got in so I assumed that was where the last one was since the yearlings have been there for almost two months. <br />n<br />nI WAS WRONG. I got a call from a neighbor to my south yesterday morning that I had a cow on his place and he had it in a corral with his yearlings he was going to preg check if i wanted it. I jumped in the pickup to get this cow wondering, "If he has a cow of mine, where is the calf? He mentioned nothing about the calf." Well, at least I was getting the cow back which was better than nothing.<br />n<br />nI wandered around half lost for quite a while looking for this corral he told me the critter was in. This guy hasn't been running cattle in the area long and the corral was new to me so I had no idea where it was. He gave me really good directions and I finally found the thing. He wasn't going to start working his yearlings until 10:30, I like to be done by then, not just starting, so I beat him there. I started looking at these yearlings and scratching my head. There was no cow of mine in this bunch, they were all to uniform in size and appearance.<br />n<br />nI studied them for a minute or two and finally spotted a critter of mine. She was holding her head down so I couldn't see her ear tag But as they were milling around I saw her brand, she was my missing yearling. How she ended up way down here was beyond me. When I moved them to the north end I had them all. She then had to crawl through 3 fences and travel over 5 miles to get to the pasture where my neighbor found her. Onery Critter, why she did all that was beyond me.<br />n<br />nI got her loaded and home now, if she will stay, and will remember her number, 143. She hasn't been preg checked or worked but I will decree that she is pregnant and call her good for now. Not much else to do except wonder why she wandered off. I guess the grass is really greener miles away from home.<br />n<br />n<strong>Those who wander in the world avowedly and purposely in pursuit of happiness, who view every scene of present joy with an eye to what may succeed, certainly are more liable to disappointment, misfortune and unhappiness, than those who give up their fate to chance and take the goods and evils of fortune as they come, without making happiness their study, or misery their foresight. Frances Burney</strong>




