More Money Than Sense

<a href="">Fla. restaurant sells $100 hamburger</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A hundred bucks might buy you more than six dozen burgers from McDonald's, but the swanky Old Homestead Steakhouse will sell you one brawny beef sandwich for the same price.<br />n<br />nBoca Raton Mayor Steven Abrams could barely speak between bites as he devoured the 20-ounce, $100 hamburger billed as the "beluga caviar of sandwiches."</blockquote><br />n<br />nHell, I could give them just as good of burger for a lot less money but the "status" wouldn't be there. People are such idiots.<br />n<br />n<strong>My yachts were, I suppose, outstanding status symbols. Paul Getty</strong>




