Do Something Then

<a href="">Schweitzer: Taxpayers tired of school funding litigation</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Most Montanans are tired of litigation over school funding, <a href="">Gov. Brian Schweitzer</a> said Wednesday in response to the latest court filing on the issue by the education interests that sued the state four years ago.<br />n<br />n"There are some that would like education dollars to be spent on more lawyers and more consultants," Schweitzer said, "but more lawyers and more consultants won't make Montana's education system more successful."</blockquote><br />n<br />nFor once I agree with Schweitzer, I'm tired of the lawsuits over school funding. My question for the Gov is, why didn't you do something to fix the problem during the 2005 regular session or the special session that was supposed to fix it? <br />n<br />nNope, you didn't do anything about the long term financing, you just threw a little extra, one-time money at the situation and expected the school districts to kiss your butt and accept it. Well, they didn't. So now what? What's your solution? Buckle down and fix the problem or gripe and whine about the people who are just trying to do their jobs and don't see enough money to do it. <br />n<br />nBy the article we can see your response, whine and complain instead of doing your job. Typical. Maybe it's time to run off back to the east coast and hide again Gov. It's getting a little hot around here.<br />n<br />n<b>To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. Elbert Hubbard</b>

