How To Commit Crimes And Get Away With It

The answer is simple, be a short person.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Sentence for short sex offender draws fire</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A judge's decision to sentence a 5-foot-1 man to probation instead of prison for sexually assaulting a child has angered crime victim advocates who say the punishment sends the wrong message.<br />n<br />nBut supporters of short people say it's about time someone recognizes the unique challenges they face.<br />n<br />nCheyenne County District Judge Kristine Cecava issued the sentence Tuesday. She told Richard W. Thompson that his crimes deserved a long prison sentence but that he was too small to survive in a state prison.</blockquote><br />n<br />nToo small to go to state prison!!! So short people can just commit crimes willy nilly and not get punished like everybody else? What ever happened to equal treatment under the law. If his crimes deserve 10 years in jail if he is 6 foot then he should get 10 years in jail no matter what his height is. Personally I think he deserves worse for abusing a child but a light slap on the wrists just enrages me. How horrible of this judge. <br />n<br />nJudge Kristine Cecava needs to wake up and smell the dog shit. Punish the offender as is deserved and forget about his height. He deserves whatever he gets.<br />n<br />n<b>Remember only the things that have shocked you and outraged your traditions and your sense of decency. Remember your sufferings at the hands of beasts who are miscalled men. If you keep these things in view you will never again fall into temptation. Madeleine</b>
