
Oh, did we have a nice rain shower yesterday. Three quarters of an inch spread out over the day. We really needed it. The hot weather had really sucked the moisture out and it was getting awful dry. This was a lot better than the rain we had last Friday. It came down so fast it all run off but as slow as this was it all went into the ground with no runoff.<br />n<br />nThis rain should really bring my alfalfa I planted on and make for a nice stand next year. I hope so. I have another field I need to replant but I want to get this one in production first. All I know is there will be lots of hay to put up. It was looking good before this rain and now it is even looking better. Looking good here, hope it is where you are.<br />n<br />n<b>You all look like happy campers to me. Happy campers you are, happy campers you have been, and, as far as I am concerned, happy campers you will always be. Dan Quayle</b>




