I see that <a href="http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2006/04/20/news/wyoming/80-elk.txt">the Governor of Wyoming</a> doesn't care that elk have Brucellosis in Wyoming and are spreading it throughout the area, Montana and Idaho. The Ranchers in Wyoming really need to consider how Gov. Dave Freudenthal is <u>not</u> supporting their industry come election time.<br />n<br />nWhat I don't understand is he wants to save the elk for tourism but kill the wolves. Like it or not the wolves would bring in as much, if not more, tourism dollars as the elk but all the Governor wants to do is shoot the wolves on sight while destroy the elk herds with diseases. Maybe some long term thinking would be a little more useful here instead of short-sighted political calculation.<br />n<br />nDon't get me wrong, I am not advocating that Wyoming should let wolves run all over the place, I am just pointing out the inconsistency of their arguments. It tourism dollars are so important, let the wolves in gladly, it will bring in more tourism dollars.<br />n<br />n<b>Hypocrisy is the essence of snobbery, but all snobbery is about the problem of belonging. Alexander Theroux</b>