Rain, Rain, Rain

Just over another inch of rain around here. It wasn't as bad as the weather service was predicting but plenty to make it miserable. We are just soaked to the gills. Water standing in sandy soil like you never see it. It's been more years than I can remember since it has been this wet.<br />n<br />nAll this rain, unless something drastic happens we are guaranteed a good grass crop this year around here. That's good news. Probably all ready can say I will have a half crop of hay if not more. That takes more moisture later on to really bring it on so we will have to see on that. Over all looking pretty good around here for this year. Nice change from all those years of drought. Other spots in the state are still a little dry so hopefully they will get some moisture too.<br />n<br />n<b>Rain is grace; rain is the sky condescending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life. John Updike</b>



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