Abuse Upon Abuse

I warn you, this story is so tragic that it's almost hard to belive. What members of the human race do to one another I find more and more amazing the older I get.<br />n<br />n<a href="http://hotzone.yahoo.com/b/hotzone/20060320/hz_afghanistan_0306/blogs2986">Child Bride</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Eleven-year old Gulsoma lay in a heap on the ground in front of her father-in-law. He told her that if she didn't find a missing watch by the next morning he would kill her. He almost had already.<br />n<br />nEnraged about the missing watch, Gulsoma's father-in-law had beaten her repeatedly with a stick. She was bleeding from wounds all over her body and her right arm and right foot had been broken. <br />n<br />nShe knew at that moment that if she didn't get away, he would make good on his promise to kill her.</blockquote><br />n<br />nYou have to read the whole story to feel the impact of the abuse this "child bride" redived at the hands of her "husband" and "father-in-law." If it doesn't sicken you, you have a serious problem, seek mental help. <br />n<br />nIf this is humanity, I want no part of it.<br />n<br />nThere is one really amazing thing that really strikes me about this. It would be so easy for this girl to hate and hate. What is her view on things though?<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Yet she continues to smile. She doesn't ask for pity. She seems more concerned about us as she reads the shock on our faces.<br />n<br />n"I feel better now," she says. "I have friends at the orphanage. But every night I'm still afraid the family will come here and pick me up."<br />n<br />nGulsoma also says that when the sun goes down, she sometimes begins to shiver involuntarily



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