Train of Thought

I came over a little hill this morning and spotted something that started a whole train of thoughts running through my head and I thought I would share how it went.<br />n<br />n<br />nwhat's this? two calves following one cow…is one of them lost….no…look at them, they are very small and look real similar…look at the way she acts towards both of them…DAMN, twins…now what do I do…if I leave them on her she will lose track of one of them and it might die…I could take her home and feed her special and see if she could raise them both…<br />n<br />nAt this point I drove up a little closer to the cow and calves.<br />n<br />n<a href=''><img width='250' height='167' border='0' hspace='5' align='left' src='' alt='' /></a>DAMN……look at that old cow…she must be 15 years old…she is going to have trouble raising one calf let alone two…I can't take her home or treat her special, even doing that she would never raise both those calves…she kind of looks wild too, so putting her in somewhere will just get her excited and put her off feed and make things that much more difficult…so what to do…DAMN, the best bet is to pull one of the calves off of her and let her raise one and I can bum the other…I don't want to do this….What do I want with a bum…well, it's the only choice…which one to grab…have to see what their sex is, if possible leave a bull on her and take the heifer if they are a split…both bulls, grab the smaller one…glad I picked up that sack of milk replacer before calving started, have something to feed the poor little guy…Hmmm..look at mom and remaining baby, she's leaving the country so I don't take her other baby…don't blame her but it's for the best…suppose I should do the same thing with the twins at home on the heifer…bum the heifer and let momma raise the steer…it would give this poor little fella company…you know, I heard yesterday that day old calves are bringing $300-$400 at the auction yard…I could sell the poor little fella…ahh, I don't want to do that…he's having a hard enough time being taken from mom, I can't stand to take him to the auction yard….hell, he would probably pick up a disease and die there…I wouldn't want to see that…yea….pull the heifer calf on the twins and I will have two bums…not the best solution but what else to do…DAMN…DAMN…DAMN…might end up with a cow I could graft one on…ahh, I wouldn't want that though, that means I lost a calf and I don't want that….DAMN…two bums…<br />n<br />n<a href=''><img width='250' height='188' border='0' hspace='5' align='right' src='' alt='' /></a>Yep there it is, two bums now. I am going to wait a couple of days while I get this one on his bottle and I will pull the other one and start it. I guess I shouldn't complain about the twins but they are a pain for a cattleman. Well, that's the way the ball bounces. Now I just get to worry about the weather. Possible big storm coming in this weekend. Never a dull moment, that's for sure.<br />n<br />n<b>Those thoughts are truth which guide us to beneficial interaction with sensible particulars as they occur, whether they copy these in advance or not. William James </b>



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