
Can Hollywood not come up with an original idea for a movie?<br />n<br />n<a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/eo/20060314/en_movies_eo/18561">Sweathogs Rule! Cube Welcomes Back "Kotter"</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote> Bring out the Welcome wagon. <br />n<br />nIce Cube has signed on to play the title role in a film adaptation of the classic 1970s TV series Welcome Back, Kotter, it was announced Tuesday.<br />n<br />nAs part of his deal with Dimension Films, Cube will also coproduce the redo of the former ABC series that turned<br />nJohn Travolta into a household name. </blockquote><br />n<br />nPeople can gripe about <a href="http://www.starz.com/features/brokebackmountain/">Brokeback Mountain</a> (do check this link out) all they want, at least it was a fairly original movie. I know, a movie love story has been done so many times it isn't even funny but the extra little gay twist does make it original.<br />n<br />n<b>Original thought is like original sin: both happened before you were born to people you could not have possibly met. Fran Lebowitz</b>



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