Go Get Them

<a href="http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2006/03/04/news/local/45-bank-fee.txt">$3 bank fee angers biz owner</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Both sides in this bad-check dispute in Billings agree on one thing: Dick Skewis, owner of the Village Mart in Billings Heights, was abusive when he protested a $3 fee to collect on a customer's bad check.<br />n<br />nOther than that, the long-term Billings business owner and Little Horn State Bank have quite opposing viewpoints of a January dispute.<br />n<br />nThe bank says Skewis was charged the usual fee.<br />n<br />nSkewis accuses the bank of excessive fees and unfairness in charging him, the merchant, another $3 to cash a bum check from the bank's own customer.<br />n<br />n……<br />n<br />nHe and his daughter left, then later posted two handwritten signs on their store's counter saying: "No checks from Little Horn State Bank. Sorry for any inconvenience."</blockquote><br />n<br />nStand up for your principles. You got to give the guy that. He feels the bank wronged him so he is doing something about it. What's the banks response?<br />n<br />n<blockquote>On Feb. 22, Little Horn's attorney Kenneth Frazier sent Skewis a letter inviting further discussions. But he also warned that the notices could "be considered as a form of tortuous interference with LHSB's business."</blockquote><br />n<br />nTortuous interference. If the bank would just treat people with respect things like this wouldn't happen.<br />n<br />nThere are a number of businesses around that I flat won't deal with. They in one way or another have wronged me so I just stay away. Does it hurt them? I doubt it, but it sure makes me feel better. Stand by your principles, that's what I say. If you don't, who will?<br />n<br />n<b>Important principles may, and must, be inflexible. Abraham Lincoln</b>




