
You are a student in High School involved in extracurricular activities and the rules tell you that you can't use, possess, buy, sell or give away alcohol, tobacco or drugs. You are also banned from gathering at any place where any of these illegal activities are taking place. These are the rules you are bound to abide by. So, when you are caught at a party with alcohol and tobacco present what happens? Your parents <a href="">sue the school</a> because their precious little angels were kicked off the team.<br />n<br />nIf you knew the rules going in and did not agree with them why didn't the parents protest the rule then instead of waiting until their kid was trapped by it? Why were the kids involved in the sports if they couldn't abide by the rules?<br />n<br />nWhat ever happened to teaching your kids responsibility? Abide by the rules or suffer the consequences. What does this teach them down the road? If you don't like the rules, violate them then sue to change them? Bah! These parents little angels need to learn responsibility and take their punishment like men, not fight it like little weasels. What an example the parents set.<br />n<br />n<b>You must accept responsibility for your actions, but not the credit for your achievements. Denis Waitley</b>



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