Montana Governor Out to Destroy the Cattle Industry

Isn't the decision those in power make just wonderful sometimes. The federal government tells ranchers they have to control brucellosis or face severe restrictions on their abilities to move cattle across state lines like our friends in <a href="">Idaho</a> and <a href="">Wyoming</a> recently found out. Yet <a href="">Gov. Brian Schweitzer</a> decides that letting <a href="">possibly infected bison roam lose in the State</a> and put our whole cattle industry at stake of severe restrictions from the Federal Government.<br />n<br />nWith agriculture being the number one industry in our state how smart is it to endanger a large part of that industry in such a callous way? Idaho and Wyoming have both discovered domestic cattle can get brucellosis from wild animals, are Montana's cattle somehow immune from this happening to them too? I don't think so. This might be a politically popular decision for someone to make who has Presidential ambitions but it is a poor decision to make for the state of Montana. Schweitzer needs to take care of our state first and not his and <a href="">Sirota's</a> political ambitions.<br />n<br />n<b>There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty. John Adams</b>

