This is Supposed to Make Me Feel Good?

<blockquote>A private group has been formed to oversee the National Animal Identification System. The United States Animal Identification Organization held their first meeting via teleconference this week, where the board's first three members were elected.<br />n<br />nOne leader of the organization is <acronym title="National Cattlemans Beef Association, shills for the big meat packers">NCBA</acronym> member Rick Stott of Boise, Idaho. He says the group is a non-profit, independent organization with just one purpose: to provide an industry controlled entity to manage the National Animal Identification movement database.</blockquote><br />n<br />nWith the way I see <acronym title="National Cattlemans Beef Association, shills for the big meat packers">NCBA</acronym>/meat packers manipulating the whole <acronym title="National Animal Identification System">NAIS</acronym> I don't feel at all good about <a href="">this "Private group"</a> being formed. I am sure it's packed with people who are towing the line to the meatpackers/<acronym title="National Cattlemans Beef Association, shills for the big meat packers">NCBA</acronym>/<acronym title="United States Department of Agriculture, Bought and Paid for by The Big Meat Packers">USDA</acronym> line of bull we are being fed. Just another group to keep an eye on.<br />n<br />n<b>There is a danger that the freedom to transform everything embraces the freedom to transform our own nature and even to destroy that very freedom itself. Leon Kass</b>



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