
I found <a href="http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2006/01/10/hunters_find_calf_buried_up_to_its_nose/">this story</a> over at <a href="http://northviewdiary.blogspot.com/2006/01/this-is-quite-story-from-wheeling-west.html">Northview Diary</a> and it reminded me of a similar story of my own.<br />n<br />nOne day many moons ago I was moving a cow with a 4-5 day old calf from one pasture to another. The pair was running along in front of me and disappeared over a slight hill in front of me. When I crested the hill there was the cow running down the fence but no calf in sight. I galloped down to turn the cow since I didn't want her going out the gate with out her calf and then tried to figure out what happened to the calf. <br />n<br />nAfter I turned the cow she realized there was no calf with her and started looking for her calf too. We finally found the calf down a large hole I didn't know was there just over the rise of the hill. The hole was so deep it was all I could do to reach down and get a hold of the calf and pull him out. The mama cow was not real sure about me messing with her baby but she left me alone while I worked on the situation. When I started to lift the calf out of the hole the horse I had thought the devil himself was rising out of the ground and left the country. Strange things like this sometimes spook horses pretty bad. Luckily all this happened within a half mile of the corral so it was a pretty short walk to get my horse again. It was quite an experience I will tell, you. I did manage to get the cow out when all was said and done.<br />n<br />n<b>If you've heard this story before, don't stop me, because I'd like to hear it again. Groucho Marx</b><br />n<br />nP.S. I left the story in the comments over at Northview Diary but decided I wanted to record it here too.



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