The Hunt

What a morning. Gathering up everything I need for the hunt, getting my one daughter ready to go with me, and doing the feeding. We get out to feed and can't find half of the Yearlings. This slows down the hunt and makes me wonder whether we will be able to get it done. If the yearlings are in with the cows there is no way the hunt will happen since I will have to spend most of the day sorting cattle. But no, they are in their pasture just caught behind a monster snowdrift. Not a big deal, we spend a half an hour with shovels and dig them a path out and we are on our way to feed.<br />n<br />nOnce we finish feeding we are ready to go on the hunt. I hoped the snow wasn't too deep. The drifts definitely were so I had a course charted in my mind that would keep us on the flats away from the drifts to get to where we were going. The snow on the flats was deeper than I expected but I was able to continue on to the place I wanted to hunt.<br />n<br />nThere it was, the area I knew we could find our prey and sure enough we spotted it.<br />n<br />n <a class="block_level" href="">Continue reading "The Hunt"</a>



